Mooring and Dock Rentals

- The Mahone Bay Civic Marina has 50 moorings and several berths available for seasonal, monthly or overnight rental.
These moorings are available from spring Launch (mid-May) through fall Haulout (mid-October).
Moorings will be assigned shortly before launch day in the spring when moorings will be allocated on a first-come, first-paid, first-served basis.
- Moorings in Mahone Bay consists of a block, chain riser, ball and bridle. The moorings are inspected in-water every year. During haulout years, the moorings will be back in place by May 1.
Moorings are assigned on a first-come/first paid/first served basis. That is, the order in which the complete 'paid-in-full' registration form is received.
The mooring which is assigned in that order will be to the renter's preferred location as availability and limitations permit.
Important to note that any outstanding fees are also payable in full at that time.
- Civic Marina tender service (0900 - 2100, July 1 thru Labour Day), overnight parking (except as noted for festival), off site-longer term parking, shower and internet access.
There is no parking whatsoever available during the marina-focussed summer festival (from the day prior until the day after the festival).
- Registered Marina Users are deemed to be those renting a mooring or berth at the Mahone Bay Civic Marina or those opting for the Full Service Package and their guests.
The wharf office can be reached on channel 68 VHF (in season); by calling 902-624-0348 (leave a message during the off-season);
by fax to 902-531-1020; or by using our email contact form.
Rates for Mooring Rental (all rates include HST)
- 2025 Registration Forms are now available
- The completed seasonal mooring rental form is to be returned along with the full payment due for the cost of the mooring. Moorings will be allocated on the basis in which the registration form complete with full payment is received. Any outstanding balance from previous Civic marina activity is due at the time of registration as well.
Reservations / Refunds
- Visiting boats can reserve a mooring or a marina berth in advance with the submission of the appropriate registration from along with payment in full of the applicable fee. The registration is not complete until the fees are paid. You will receive confirmation of the reservation in writing once the transaction is completed. We suggest you keep the confirmation with your boat's papers.
- Seasonal mooring renters may be refunded if notification of their intention to forego the mooring is received before the date specified for launch. Partial refund (50%) will be made if notification is received after launch but prior to July 15. No refunds will be issued after July 15.
- Monthly mooring renters will be refunded if notification is received one month before the reserved period begins AND prior to July 15. No refunds will be issued after July 15.
- Daily and weekly mooring renters will be refunded if their reservation is cancelled with at least 48 hours notice in advance of the reserved date. Persons reserving multiple weeks must provide notification of 48 hours for each week rented. In cases where such notification is given, the fee paid will be refunded. There will be no refund for weekly or daily renters providing notice of cancellation of less than 48 hours.
- Transient boaters can reserve a mooring by calling the Marina Attendant at 902-624-0348 or on VHF Channel 68. On arrival, see the Marina Attendant to provide a deposit or credit card.
Additional Notes:
- Seasonal and monthly moorings include any marina-focused summer festival but regular mooring users may be asked to agree to 'raft up' during festival.
- The marina 'day' is a 24 hour period beginning at 1200 and ending the following day at 1159. Transient boaters should plan their arrival and departure accordingly in consideration of others who have arranged for the mooring. The marina month is from 1200 on day 1 of any given month to 1200 on the last day of that month or a period of four consecutive weeks. The marina week is from 1200 on day 1 to 1200 on the seventh consecutive day.
- Payment by cheque made payable to the Mahone Bay Civic Marina. Alternately we can accommodate VISA, Mastercard or debit payments if you prefer. Prospective renters can choose to provide their card number on the registration form OR arrange a phone call to marina staff as a more secure means to complete the transaction. In any event, the registration is not complete until the fees are paid.
- Boats using the dinghy/tender dock limited to 16' in length with an outboard of not more than a 20 hp, if so equipped. It is intended that boats registered to use the dinghy/tender dock are in fact a tender to a boat using a mooring in the bay. Stand alone boats are considered as 'dry sail' boats and will be directed to the slipway or launch ramp or other docking facility if available as will otherwise note dry sail boats
- Any vessel which is advertised or promoted as being 'for rent' to the general public is deemed to be a commercial venture and as such a commercial mooring registration (and associated fee) is required. If you would anticipate offering your vessel for rent to the general public through direct promotion or via advertisers, you should contact the marina office to arrange for the commercial mooring registration form.
- Parking (longer term) is available in other areas of Mahone Bay. Boaters using the Launch ramp and/or other Registered Marina Users who plan to be away for more than two consecutive days should contact the marina attendant for information on off-site parking. Parking at the Civic Marina is increasingly limited, particularly on weekends.
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