Dry Sail
- Boats which are not appropriate for use as tenders which are stored ashore (launched from hand-carts - i.e. Laser, Opti, Windsprints, Light Schooners), small sailing craft, dinghies,
aluminum boats, motor craft, etc. or any boat hauled out for storage are subject to a dry sail fee.
Other Marina Services Available (HST included)
- For boaters in Mahone Bay who may choose to use their own mooring or opt to rent a mooring from another vendor,
there is an opportunity for them to take advantage of some of the services of the Mahone Bay Civic Marina.
- It should be noted that spaces for dinghy docking and vehicle parking are at a premium at the marina. Space is first made available to Registered Marina Users.
Remaining space availability is considered when providing same to Other Users.
- The following Additional Amenities are available to 'Other Users'(All include HST).Contact the marina attendant:
- Ice: $ 4.00 for 1 bag cubes, $7.00 for 2 bag cubes, $10.00 3 bag cubes, Blocks $4.00 each
- Internet Access: Free WiFi
- Shower: $ 5.00 per person; seasonal access for the registered boat crew
- Pump-out with attendant assist: $ 20.00
- Marina Tender (water taxi): $ 10.00 per person (return trip); $ 150.00 Tender Service Only Seasonal Pass available
- Launch Ramp: $ 20.00 per day plus $5 parking; $ 175.00 per boat Seasonal Pass available
Note: Parking (longer term) is also available in other areas of Mahone Bay.
Boaters using the Launch Ramp and/or other Registered Marina Users who plan to be away for more than two consecutive days should contact the marina attendant for information on off-site parking.
Parking at the Civic Marina is increasingly limited, especially on weekends.
- The annual boat launch/haulout activity is scheduled on or about mid-May. Haulout is usually scheduled to occur in mid-October.
In both cases, crane availability and tides are the determining factors for the scheduled date.
- Prior to launch, all outstanding fees must be paid, a deposit of $100.00 paid and the launch agreement form completed.
Boat owners planning to take a mooring at the Civic Marina must also complete the seasonal mooring registration form and pay the required fee before a mooring will be assigned.
Boats being launched and moving to a mooring other than the Mahone Bay Civic Marina moorings will be assessed a $35.00 administration fee.
- The cost of the crane is divided into 'common time' (travel, setup, takedown, etc.) which is equally apportioned to all having their boats hauled or launched
and 'individual time' (time used for a particular boat).
- Crane fees are calculated in the same way for haulout.
Boats which are loaded onto trailers and removed from the marina (i.e. - not being stored on site) will be assessed a $35.00 administration fee.
- The storage fee and a $100.00 crane deposit is payable at registration (mandatory) and before the boat will be hauled. All arrears must be paid in full. Any balance will be invoiced.
- Storage fees at MBCM are based on the footprint of the vessel (LOA x beam in sq. ft.) multiplied by the appropriate fee per square foot.
- The LOA and beam measurements are based on data available from specialized websites as well as information provided by the owner, subject to verification.
If the footprint of the cradle or trailer supporting the boat is larger than the noted dimensions, the fee is calculated using the larger dimensions.
- All sails and canvass are to be removed when storing the boat. It is recommended that the mast be stepped as well.
Boat owners should also consider removing outboards, electronics and other parts and pieces of value.
- Cradles/trailers/stands are to be removed from the wharf by the date specified in the haul out agreement.
Boats or cradles/trailers/stands remaining more than three weeks after the specified haul out date will be subject to a daily storage fee equivalent to the daily mooring fee
and/or may be towed away at owner's expense.
** There is no storage available on the wharf during the boating season. **
- Boat owners should ensure their cradle is in good condition before the haulout is underway.
If a cradle is deemed unsafe or unfit for use, the Director of the haulout may refuse to lift the boat into storage.
The owner would then be responsible to arrange a haulout on their own after repairing the cradle. Boat owners using 'jack stands' should use commercially built ones.
Stands made from round stock are recommended - stands made of flat steel stock have failed in the past.
Each stand should rest on a square of plywood and the stands should be chained together 'side-to-side' to prevent slippage. Bow supports should be chained fore-and-aft.
Other Issues
- Registered marina users are encouraged to use the waste receptacles provided on shore. All boaters should sort their refuse before disposal.
A guide to 'processing' your refuse is available from the Marina Attendant.
Boat owners should plan to remove all used oil, fluids, paint cans, toxics, etc. from the marina.
Used batteries should be returned to the dealer from whom the new battery is purchased.
Note that in accordance with Town of Mahone Bay by-laws, only clear bags can be used to dispose of garbage at the marina.
Contact the Marina Attendant for special arrangements to accommodate unusual refuse requirements.
Security: General:
- Boat owners should inventory all of the equipment on their boats noting make, model, and serial numbers of the gear.
Consider making a digital photo or video record of the equipment before and after it is mounted in the boat.
It may also be useful to engrave an identifying mark or number on each piece of equipment in the boat.
That should include any pieces of electronic gear as well as any associated hardware such as transducers or antennas.
Security: Tenders:
- Although every effort is made to minimize the threat of theft around the marina and the mooring field, it is almost impossible to eliminate it.
Boat owners should ensure equipment is stored below decks and that boats are secure. This will not make the vessel 'theft proof' but it may help deterring random acts of theft.
Tenders and outboard motors have been subject to theft in the past. Owners are recommended to secure their outboards as much as is possible and to keep a record of the relevant registration numbers.
Should you choose to chain or tether your tender to the dinghy dock, ensure a key is provided to the Marina Attendant.
It will be tagged, stored securely and will not be given to anyone other than the Registered Marina User without specific written instruction.
Security: Marina Neighbourhood Watch:
- Everyone should be aware of what is going on around them at the marina - ashore and on the water.
Remember that the next outboard for sale 'at an unbelievably low price' in the pub may be yours!
If you see any suspicious activity around the wharf or around any of the boats in the bay and suspect illegal activity, report it to the RCMP.
- Mahone Bay RCMP Community Office: 624 6516 or Lunenburg Detachment Office: 634 8674.
The Mahone Bay Wooden Boat Society and/or the Town of Mahone Bay, its principals, officers, directors, employees or agents
are in no way liable for actions arising, or to arise, by reason of the use at any time of:
- a. moorings or berths;
- b. facilities for the hauling, launching, storing or removal of any boats, cradles, trailers or stands at the Mahone Bay Civic Marina;
- c. or any of the services, equipment or facilities of the Mahone Bay Civic Marina.
The Mahone Bay Wooden Boat Society reserves the right to refuse Mahone Bay Civic Marina services at any time. Further, services can be cancelled or withdrawn at any time for cause.
For more information, contact the marina at 902-624-0348 or at The fax number is 902-531-1020.
The marina is closed during the winter months (haulout thru launch), so please leave a message and you will be contacted.